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"This book offers a useful reprogramming sequence designed to debug the flawed and glitch-prone algorithms of the human mind, it's the ideal firmware update for anyone operating on legacy neural software."
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“Every time I think, I take 10 damage. But this book has healed me."
Kristin Johnson
Crystals Investor
The Instant Worldwide Bestseller
smoov brain book jamin thompson
"This book offers a useful reprogramming sequence designed to debug the flawed and glitch-prone algorithms of the human mind, it's the ideal firmware update for anyone operating on legacy neural software."
Space Cadet
“Every time I think, I take 10 damage. But this book has healed me."
Kristin Johnson
Crystals Investor

Smoov Brain: An Uncommon Way to Overcome Common Reasoning Errors 

This breakthrough book from Jamin Thompson is the most comprehensive guide on how to boost your brain’s computational power by 69% each day. 

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What This Book Will Teach You. 

 Learn how to… 

1. Optimize Your Decision-Making: Learn the science and art of making optimized decisions through a robust intellectual framework, grounding you in both quantitative and qualitative analyses.

2. Implement Stoic Principles: Gain insights into how ancient Stoic philosophy can modernize and deepen your decision-making process, by focusing on elements within your control.

3. Make Data-Driven Choices: Understand the value of leveraging data and technology in making better-informed decisions, and how to practically apply this in your daily life.

4. Challenge Mainstream Thought: Equip yourself with the tools to question conventional wisdom, inspired by the world’s most influential thinkers, to arrive at original, often contrarian, solutions.

5. Harness The Power of Skepticism: Learn how a skeptical approach to information and assumptions can refine your decision-making process, adding a layer of rigor often missing in mainstream approaches.


6. Expand Your Cognitive Limits: Explore the implications of living in a potentially simulated world and how the limitations of human cognition may be ongoing issue that the developers expected but have been unable to correct.

7. Apply In Real Life Situations: Discover practical, actionable advice for applying optimized decision-making in various aspects of business, your personal life, and more. 

8. Become Multi-Disciplinary: The book pulls in threads from economics, philosophy, data science, and technology to offer a multi-faceted view of decisions, making it relevant for a broad audience.

9. Utilize Systems-Thinking: Gain an understanding of how decision-making doesn’t exist in a vacuum but is part of broader systems, impacting and being impacted by a variety of factors in often unpredictable ways.

10. Optimize Time Preference: Acquire the tools to not just make decisions for the here and now, but to strategize effectively for the long term, balancing immediate gains against future impacts.


1. Optimize Your Decision-Making: Learn the science and art of making optimized decisions through a robust intellectual framework, grounding you in both quantitative and qualitative analyses.

2. Implement Stoic Principles: Gain insights into how ancient Stoic philosophy can modernize and deepen your decision-making process, by focusing on elements within your control.

3. Make Data-Driven Choices: Understand the value of leveraging data and technology in making better-informed decisions, and how to practically apply this in your daily life.

4. Challenge Mainstream Thought: Equip yourself with the tools to question conventional wisdom, inspired by the world’s most influential thinkers, to arrive at original, often contrarian, solutions.

5. Harness The Power of Skepticism: Learn how a skeptical approach to information and assumptions can refine your decision-making process, adding a layer of rigor often missing in mainstream approaches.

6. Expand Your Cognitive Limits: Explore the implications of living in a potentially simulated world and how the limitations of human cognition may be ongoing issue that the developers expected but have been unable to correct.

7. Apply In Real Life Situations: Discover practical, actionable advice for applying optimized decision-making in various aspects of business, your personal life, and more. 

8. Become Multi-Disciplinary: The book pulls in threads from economics, philosophy, data science, and technology to offer a multi-faceted view of decisions, making it relevant for a broad audience.

9. Utilize Systems-Thinking: Gain an understanding of how decision-making doesn’t exist in a vacuum but is part of broader systems, impacting and being impacted by a variety of factors in often unpredictable ways.

10. Optimize Time Preference: Acquire the tools to not just make decisions for the here and now, but to strategize effectively for the long term, balancing immediate gains against future impacts.


Smoov Brain: Principles and Practices

Thompson’s book, Smoov Brain: Principles and Practices, offers a proven framework for optimizing the CPU and RAM in your head every day. It’s the ultimate guide on how to improve your problem-solving and decision-making skills and overcome common “smoov.bra.in2023” reasoning errors. 

Praise for Smoov Brain…

"Let me tell you, I've read my share of books on decision-making. 'Smoov Brain' outperforms them all, it's like the hedge fund of cognitive improvement!"
smoov brain reviews
Victor Thornfield
Hedge Fund Manager, Investor
"The insights in this book are as disruptive as a hot startup. Smoov Brain will be my new employee onboarding manual."
Penelope Vanguard
Managing Partner, Infra Blu Ventures
“Smoov Brain is like the software update your brain didn't know it needed. It's the perfect blend of brain code and hard-hitting truths that makes you rethink the way you think."
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Arash Farrokhzad
Tech Entrepreneur, 3x founder
"Smoov Brain is a powerful book that has changed the way I think about how I think, and I'm still thinking about that."
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Vivian Silverstone
Founder of SynthMind Dynamics
"As someone who scrutinizes numbers and trends, I found Smoov Brain to be a refreshing dive into the overlooked nuances of decision-making. Highly recommended for professionals who think they've seen it all."
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Harrison Blackwood
Data Scientist, PhD, Investor
“We're all about algorithms and user experience at my company, but Smoov Brain reminded me that the most complex algorithm is the human mind. This book is the ultimate UX guide."
smoov brain reviews
Octavia Whitman
Founder, VortexData Systems

About Jamin Thompson

Jamin Thompson is an entrepreneur and creator focused on decision making and reasoning path optimization. He is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Smoov Brain. The book has sold over 1 million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 50 alien languages outside our solar system. 

He is the founder and CEO of Deimos-One and creator of the Animus Intelligence Engine. His work has been featured in places like Bloomberg, Business Insider, and Yahoo Finance, and his email newsletter is sent out each week to more than 50,000 subscribers.

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