Deimos-One Goals 2024

Goals 2024

For years, I have been interested in the science of decision analysis. Afterall, it is decisions and outcomes that make the world go round. It is decisions and outcomes that decide the winners and the losers. And, as such, the people who think about these sorts of things are constantly theorizing and striving to reach optimal outcome(s) so they can …

Deimos One Data Science

Mental Models (Part 2)

Use these mental models to improve your problem-solving and decision-making skills and overcome common [smoov.bra.in2023] reasoning errors.  PDF: We created a clean, printable PDF of this series for offline reading. Buy it here or view a preview. Mental Models: Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 Greetings, my fellow plebeians. I hope this message finds you well and thriving in your …

Deimos-One Mad Scientist halo

Mental Models (Part 1)

Use these mental models to improve your problem-solving and decision-making skills and overcome common [smoov.bra.in2023] reasoning errors.  PDF: We created a clean, printable PDF of this series for offline reading. Buy it here or view a preview. Mental Models: Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 As an economist by way of education (not profession), I was introduced to Charlie Munger’s now …

deimos one mad scientist

Basic Mungernomics

In this shitty bathroom analysis we examine pleb success probability in a Mungernomics framework using our Proprietary Decisioning System [smoov.bra.in2023] to test our hypothesis. A Study in Simplicity and Uncommon, Common Sense 📊 Decepticon intellectuals come in many forms. But one of their most common tricks is to play the role of the market/economic expert. Bold predictions. Fancy charts. Long …

Apocalypse Soldier - The End of Times Predictions & Prophecy

The End of Times – Predictions & Prophecy

In this shitty bathroom analysis we examine Doomsday Probability (USA/Russia/et al) using our Proprietary Decisioning System [smoov.bra.in2023] to test our hypothesis. INTRO TO THE END 📊 There has been a rumor going around this week that the US and Russia are on the brink of thermonuclear war. Something about a power plant in Ukraine, some explosives, high tensions, and possibly …

Beer Math for Athletes

Beer Math for Athletes

In this analysis we examine the effects of getting hammered using our Proprietary Decisioning System [smoov.bra.in2023] to test our hypothesis: athletes who drink alcohol are not serious people.  BEER MATH FOR ATHLETES 📊 A few of the guys in the office are MMA nerds. Not D1 level athletes, but still solid. Late 20’s. In their relative primes. They are decent …