“Plasmas” up to a kilometer in size and behaving similarly to multicellular organisms have been filmed on 10 separate NASA space shuttle missions, over 200 miles above Earth within the thermosphere.
These self-illuminated “plasmas” are attracted to and may “feed on” electromagnetic radiation.
They have different morphologies: 1) cone, 2) cloud, 3) donut, 4) spherical-cylindrical; and have been filmed flying towards and descending from the thermosphere into thunderstorms; congregating by the hundreds and interacting with satellites generating electromagnetic activity; approaching the Space Shuttles.
Computerized analysis of flight path trajectories documents these plasmas travel at different velocities from different directions and change their angle of trajectory making 45°, 90°, and 180° shifts and follow each other.
They’ve been filmed accelerating, slowing down, stopping, congregating, engaging in “hunter-predatory” behavior and intersecting plasmas leaving a plasma dust trail in their wake.
Similar life-like behaviors have been demonstrated by plasmas created experimentally.
“Plasmas” may have been photographed in the 1940s by WWII pilots (identified as “Foo fighters”); repeatedly observed and filmed by astronauts and military pilots and classified as Unidentified Aerial—Anomalous Phenomenon.
Plasmas are not biological but may represent a form of pre-life that via the incorporation of elements common in space, could result in the synthesis of RNA.
Plasmas constitute a fourth state of matter, are attracted to electromagnetic activity, and when observed in the lower atmosphere likely account for many of the UFO-UAP sightings over the centuries. (More)
Traditionally, the domain of physics and scientific scholarship has instilled a certain intellectual arrogance towards phenomena branded as “paranormal”—ghosts, telepathy, signs and wonders, etcetera; and UFOs fall directly into this category.
Our ancestors once believed comets and meteorites were paranormal, but that is no longer the case today as we understand comets and meteorites quite well.
These days, we feel quite intelligent, and even when we don’t know the full meaning (ball lightning is a prime example) where despite having comparatively scant evidence, the concept is explained away with nascent theories.
UFOs, on the other hand, are met with incredible skepticism.
UFOs are not embraced by the scientific community.
UFOs are for amateurs and conspiracy theorists.
Yet, during my research in the origins of life and the future of the universe, the topic of “aliens” continues to pop up time and again, leading me to reevaluate the evidence surrounding Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).
Contrary to the ephemeral substantiation for ghosts or telepathy, I’ve found the evidence supporting UFO phenomena to actually be quite strong.
This reassessment was further validated by a report from the U.S. Department of Defense several years back, when they released three UFO videos recorded by the Navy that contain “unidentified aerial phenomena.”
Note: UAP stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, referring to observed aerial objects that cannot be immediately identified or explained.
One video was taken in 2004 and the other two in 2015.
These videos (sort of) acknowledged the presence of intelligently controlled UFOs with extraordinary capabilities, albeit without a true understanding of their origin or cause.
When the videos first leaked, they showed, well… who could really be sure.
We could see various objects — some of them looked sort of like aircraft — zipping and zapping through the sky in ways that defy logical explanation.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that this sort of thing is very strange.

Prototype sketch of an alien TIE fighter
It isn’t solid proof of alien visitation, but it appears (seemingly) to be the result of something too advanced to be explained by current Earth technologies — and it could (with emphasis on could) be something that involves some type of activity that constitutes a form of life that is possibly not human.
When the New York Times published the aforementioned videos, aliens sort of went mainstream, and gave the nerds new hope that extraterrestrial life could be out there, especially considering the extraordinary technology being observed during these events.
But now we find ourselves in somewhat of a conundrum.
As I pointed out earlier, the official view of most scientific and academic elites is that alien UFOs are not “real” and shouldn’t be taken seriously.
Aliens are all imaginary and the work of fantasy.
Stuff we made up for sci-fi movies.
Cultural myths that don’t fall under real science.
Pseudoscientific bullshit.
You get the idea.
But when you run through all the arguments in your head, it is still difficult not to come away with the thought that there is at least a one-in-a-thousand chance that alien visitations are a real thing.
And even a chance as small as that should be worthy of more discussion.
Personally, I think we should start taking UFOs and “aliens” more seriously, and I have discussed this in depth in previous papers.
But it is very difficult to uncover any serious social analysis of the alien hypothesis.
It makes sense why a certain crowd might want to believe in aliens, and why another might express anti-alien consideration.
But in the context of three-dimensional ‘alien’ objects of unknown origin flying in the sky, stopping in midair and zooming off into space — or alien social behavior — I have seen no such analysis.
Much less a serious one.
But, let us pivot back to the original study in question as the author’s new plasma theory may add a new dimension in our analysis.
What are alien plasmas?
In a nutshell, scientists have discovered these large, glowing, jellyfish-like “aliens” in the thermosphere, over 200 miles above Earth, behaving in strange and unusual ways, displaying behaviors reminiscent of living organisms and mimicking the basics of life, such as moving in diverse shapes (cone, cloud, donut, and spherical-cylindrical), reacting to electromagnetic radiation, and exhibiting complex movement patterns, including acceleration and “hunter-prey” interactions.
These observations have also been documented by NASA space shuttle missions and WWII “Foo fighters“.
Some believe these “plasmas” could be the alien UFOs that countless folks have said they have seen over the past 200 years.
In a CIA report (1997), scientists identified a UFO as a plasma fireball.
And in a U.K. Government report (2000), scientists describe Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) which “have the ability to hover, land, take-off, and accelerate to exceptional velocities and vanish”.
Aliens or something else?
So, could these plasmas actually be aliens?
Considering our limited understanding of the universe, I think it’s a reasonably decent assumption, but it’s not hard evidence.
Afterall, it has been well documented that the U.S. Navy has been able to successfully create artificial Plasma UFOs using lasers.
These modern ultra-short pulse lasers can provide a reliable means to create plasma remotely. Pulse duration is measured in femtoseconds (10-15 seconds) to picoseconds (10-12 seconds).
These systems have significant missile defense potential, in particular for countering heat-seeking missiles, and the U.S. Navy has been rumored to use plasma as active decoys against IR homing electronics.
But perhaps the most interesting case of artificial plasma use stems from U.S. weapons testing dating back to the 1980s. The weapon was called the Voice of God.
This high-power directed energy weapon can create plasma, which they can then shift back and forth at very high speed.
The pulsing lasers can also modulate the crackling sound produced by the plasma to carry coherent speech, essentially creating a talking fireball.
The Pentagon’s non-lethal weapons lab hopes this direct energy weapon can generate an effect like a haunted walkie-talkie or the biblical burning bush.
I think the general idea is psychological warfare, where a seemingly divine voice would command opponents to flee or surrender.
NASA’s Curiosity Rover, on the other hand, also uses lasers to zap rocks into plasma and analyze their chemical composition from the light they produce.
On their website, they speak freely about the scientific and commercial use cases, but they do not mention any military applications.
Perhaps the idea was not pursued; or they do not wish to discuss it.
This all may sound like incredible technology, but a lot of it dates way back to the 1960s and the Air Force’s Project Blue Book, where they concluded there was no evidence that UFOs were alien craft, but still could not (or would not) explain what they were.
Quite a few researchers concluded (even back then) that some UFOs were “luminous plasmas of ionized air, a special form of ball lightning generated by electric corona that occurs on high-tension power lines under certain conditions.”
So, it would seem that plasmas can be both naturally and artificially manufactured.
Therefore, whether the strange fireballs seen by allied bomber crews in WWII were a secret weapon, natural phenomenon, or misreporting remains unknown.
While the authors do suggest that these plasmas are not biological, they do exhibit life-like qualities and could contribute to the synthesis of RNA, hinting at a form of what they call “pre-life”. [1]
And you could make the case that these plasmas attraction to electromagnetic activity could offer a plausible explanation for numerous UFO sightings throughout history, possibly even framing them as a natural “alien” phenomenon that has existed above our planet for thousands of years.
So does this mean that aliens exist?
If aliens do exist, who (or what) are they and why are they here?
Before we go there, I think first we need to define what “intelligence” is (difficult) and then determine what “life” is (more difficult).
Right now, the definitions for both of these are weak and not well defined; and they both need more work to improve their thesis.
Next, we should probably ask “how likely is it that there’s extraterrestrial life somewhere in the universe?”
Considering what we know now, I suspect even most scientists might agree that there is a very good chance extraterrestrial life exists, and now they have a lot more data to add to that debate. Much more than they had 20 years ago.
I think you can also reasonably assume there is a possibility that these “aliens” may be here right now, and that they may have been here all along, and that the probabilities that they are here are high enough that we should be investigating it.
But a study like this is quite complex, and often requires analysis from several disciplines.
We need physics, astronomy, chemistry, and geology.
We probably also need astrobiology/microbiology, planetary science, economics, computer science, signal processing and communications theory.
And if you really want to get fancy, add in some anthropology and archaeology.
There are many more disciplines that we can add to this list, but you get the point.
For the purposes of this paper, however, let’s examine some examples from physics and geology.
Alien plasmas in prehistory
Several scientists from the realms of physics and geology have concluded that there was a major plasma event (or possible multiple events) in antiquity.
This theory is explored in depth in Dr. Robert Schoch’s book Forgotten Civilization, where he makes the case that a major plasma event, circa 9700 BCE, brought about the end of the last ice age.
Digging into the physics and geology it appears plasma events may be a dominant theme found among quite a few ancient civilizations, most notably Easter Island and the Göbekli Tepe.
If there was a great plasma event circa 9700 BCE as Schoch contends, where plasma storms hit the surface of the Earth, incinerating rocks and melting ice caps, it would vaporize the water and create an extended deluge of rain, sending the climate into a warming spell.
The release of pressure that would typically follow these phenomena would be the melting of thousands-of-meters-thick ice sheets, which would induce earthquakes, and cause hot rock under pressure to melt and erupt to the surface as volcanoes.
This could have eradicated the advanced civilizations and high cultures of that time.
Additionally, plasma physicist Anthony Peratt and his team theorize that many petroglyphs found around the world record an intense plasma event (or even many events) in prehistory.
Peratt has also determined that powerful plasma phenomena observed in the skies would take on characteristic shapes resembling humanoid figures, humans with bird heads, writhing snakes or serpents, and sets of rings or donut shapes — all shapes that are shown in the ancient petroglyphs.
Does this mean plasma ‘aliens’ have been here all along?
The implications here are a bit unsettling:
- It could mean Earth is their planet and not ours.
- They could just be intergalactic tourists.
- Maybe they are looking for certain minerals.
- It could just be scientific curiosity.
- It could be that they’re extracting our DNA.
- Maybe they are the guardians of the planet.
- Maybe it’s all random and means nothing.
I mean, who really knows for sure.
I have my own theories, but I have no idea what’s really going on.
All I know is that if “aliens” are here, they seem to be peaceful.
That said, regardless how far along you may be with your “research”, it’s still difficult to fit the idea of unusual objects with incredible abilities under intelligent control into your scientific world view.
Note: While many UFO reports can be easily dismissed, a small portion of reports are more difficult to dismiss, as it is difficult to refute video evidence and countless accounts of artificial physical objects in the sky accelerating and changing directions at incredible speeds, but without the usual physical effects on the material world nearby.
While there are many possibilities in play, I’m not quite sure our brains are evolved enough to fully understand what’s going on.
We barely have made any progress on what I consider to be the four fundamental problems of our reality:
- What is existence?
- What is consciousness?
- Where did the first cell come from?
- Can we reverse entropy?
And we may have to solve for these before we can solve for alien life.
However, we can easily believe there are aliens out there that are very advanced, and thus have incredible abilities.
This is not hard.
But some difficult questions still remain:
- In a vast universe that looks dead everywhere, how is it that advanced aliens happen to be right here right now?
- Have the aliens been here all along?
- If the aliens did travel to be here now, why do they behave in the way that they do: flying around mute and elusive, yet still noticeable?
- Is it possible that these UFOs are alien plasma?
- Could certain plasma be a different form of life?
I’m not sure we are intellectually able to answer any of these questions just yet.
Because we don’t have enough information.
There are quite a few theories out there, some more plausible than others, especially when considering the conventional stuff, not taking into account this new plasma hypothesis.
Let’s update the probabilities
To figure this out, we will need to invoke some Bayesian inference.
What are our assumptions, and what are we missing?
To do this properly, we will first need to establish a set of logical scenarios.
We will then need to figure out the likelihood of these scenarios using the best information available to us.
We will need additional data to consider that is specific to the scenarios in question.
And we will need to establish likelihood functions that will tell us how likely each piece of specific data would be given each scenario.
Note: regarding priors and likelihoods, there are standard scientific theories that estimate the likelihoods of life beyond our planet and/or star. Theories also exist regarding the origin of life and what life means as we know and understand it. We will need to make some assumptions here, and see where they lead. This does not mean we have to believe our assumptions are true.
That said…
I think we can reasonably assume that:
- Life has appeared on Earth.
- Human life has evolved to be intelligent, but it is a limited intelligence.
- Humans may further evolve to a ‘superintelligence‘.
- If humans achieve superintelligence, they will look back on today’s humans much like we look upon the great apes.
- Superintelligence will allow humans to collect more data, and at a faster rate.
- There is a statistical improbability of us being alone in the universe.
- Life can happen almost anywhere in the universe.
- The same rules (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) govern most of the universe.
Note: The fundamental laws of physics, chemistry, and biology are considered universal, grounded in the uniformity of physical laws, the consistency of chemical elements across the cosmos, the potential universality of biochemical principles for life, and the foundational theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity that have been validated throughout the observable universe. Despite these principles, it’s important to keep in mind that our understanding of the universe is based on what we can observe and measure. There could be phenomena or regions of the universe where the conditions are so extreme or different that they test the limits of our current physical laws. The search for extraterrestrial life may challenge our understanding of these fundamental laws, potentially introducing new principles based on different environments.
We can continue our assumptions with the following:
- Alien life appeared ~9Gya on a rare planet Eden somewhere in our galaxy.
- ~5Gya life was transferred from Eden and dispersed to other nascent stars in our Sun’s stellar nursery via panspermia.
- Life continued to evolve across these star systems, until >~0.1Gya, one of them emerged as an advanced alien civilization.
- This type of civilization would be capable of interstellar colonization, but it would be difficult to regulate this feature.
- Such civilizations would face insurmountable challenges maintaining galactic-wide governance, preventing war, and curbing the evolutionary divergence of their descendants.
- These concerns would disincentivize the aliens against universal colonization (barring extraordinary circumstances).
- Rare exceptions could be made for planets (panspermia siblings) that host life and/or are at risk for also becoming too advanced, threatening the alien civilization.
- This concern would incentivize the alien civilization to forestall the rise of any potential hostile panspermia sibling civilization that might challenge their non-expansionist ethos, opting for persuasion and observation over domination and annihilation.
- Recon missions to panspermia sibling planets still carry the inherent risk of agents going rogue and breaking the rules.
- Peaceful planets under observation may turn hostile as the aliens revealing themselves too soon may put such planets in a position of radical uncertainty and descend into chaos.
- The tradeoff the aliens may have chosen instead of opting for total invisibility or hostile aggression/domination was maintaining a discreet presence on the fringes of human awareness, show incredible powers but act peacefully, and do not disclose much else about who they are, what they want, or where they came from.
- By remaining enigmatic, yet showcasing tremendous powers, the aliens may try to gain trust and acceptance and ascend the social hierarchy through subtle influence and “friendship”, ensuring compliance.
- Through slow yet eventual acceptance of their existence (and powers) the planet under observation would eventually align with the alien agenda after deducing their motives autonomously, sans explicit disclosures from them.
- The aliens have a large time preference and feel direct intervention would only be necessary under specific noncompliance conditions.
If indeed these UFOs are extraterrestrial in origin, the human destiny hinges on a stark set of possibilities:
- The alien visitors have revealed very little about themselves, but we know they are (most likely) much more ancient and powerful than we are.
- We have no reason to believe they will ever reveal any details about themselves, make contact, or offer assistance in the next thousand years.
- It is unlikely that we will discover anything on our own (e.g., who are they, where do they come from, what is their language, how old is their civilization, what technology do they own, etc.).
- There is a chance we will develop a technology that will allow us to pinpoint the alien homeworld, see hidden messages, and gain more information, but this seems unlikely.
- We may find ourselves forced (through subtle persuasion or force) to adhere to the alien doctrine of non-expansion. If not, be subjected to more overt forms of control, or face extermination.
Conceivably, the “aliens” recurrent aerial exhibitions might be an attempt to communicate, though this remains a slender possibility.
But considering the new findings re plasma discussed above, perhaps we need to rethink our assumptions.
Or perhaps we need to re-evaluate what we consider “alien life”.
Right now, the universe looks completely dead.
We see no signs of life outside Earth, it is a stark, lifeless expanse.
In theory, it seems that over millions of years, if advanced alien civilizations were out there, they would have made some significant, observational changes — changes that we would be able to see.
Some possible explanations:
When you look at these, you can make the case that only the last two can sort of explain the alien UFO videos, and #3 seems mathematically unrealistic, but scenario #4 makes sense, and could plausibly result from panspermia.
But what if we were to introduce a scenario #5.
A possible 5th scenario
What if we were to theorize that aliens as we understand them are not visiting Earth, but instead, the UFOs that have been seen on video are plasma “beings” that have been here since the beginning of time.
We have seen medieval woodcuts that seem to show UFOs.
There are UFO stories in the Bible, or at least it’s plausible to interpret quite a few of the stories that way.
So I think it’s reasonable to assume these things have been here for a very long time (whatever they are).
Afterall, I think it would be quite difficult for any civilization, regardless of how advanced, to not only keep their civilization going for a million years, but also manage to maintain their cloak-invisibility while simultaneously enforcing their no-expansion rules for the entire period of time.
All it would take is for one rogue alien explorer ship to slip away undetected, introduce themselves on Earth, and it would have all been ruined.
I’m not saying preventing a rogue ship scenario is impossible, I’m just saying it is unlikely, especially given the long timescale.
Mathematically, it seems that at least one rogue group would try to slip away, given the incentives.
But perhaps alien action is different than human action.
Different motivations, incentives, etcetera.
Also, if these UFOs are super advanced, one can only wonder how much their abilities may have decreased and rotted over such a long period of time, assuming they travel through the universe like us, have similar constraints, and would be away from the technology of their homebase for thousands, or perhaps even millions of years.
Given these parameters, it does seem possible that plasmas could be the UFOs we have been seeing in the skies for hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years.
Updating our original hypothesis to account for plasmas, here is what we know:
Extraterrestrial Plasma Basics
- Interstellar space and Earth’s upper atmosphere contain plasma.
- These plasmas have exhibited behaviors akin to living organisms, as observed in numerous Space Shuttle missions.
- These plasmas demonstrate complex, life-like interactions such as replication, attraction, and even predatory behavior.
- These behaviors are governed by electromagnetic forces rather than biological processes.
- Under certain conditions, plasmas can form structures resembling biological molecules, though they remain fundamentally non-biological in nature.
- Plasma behavior is complex, and includes movements that mimic fluid dynamics and predatory interactions.
- Plasmas have been observed taking on shapes resembling humanoid figures, animals, and shapes shown in ancient petroglyphs.
- Some researchers believe plasmas could constitute a fourth state of matter and represent a form of pre-life or inorganic non-biological life.
UFO & UAP Encounters
- Initially identified as “foo fighters” by World War II pilots in the 1940s, plasmas have exhibited behaviors suggesting an attraction to electromagnetic sources.
- Plasmas have demonstrated an ability to swarm satellites, approach spacecraft, and display dynamic behaviors inconsistent with conventional space debris.
- This behavior has been observed near nuclear sites and in aerospace encounters, possibly explaining some UAP sightings.
- Plasmas display attractions to electromagnetic sources and have been reported in close encounters with aerospace technology.
Plasma Electroballs
- “Electroballs” may be a natural explanation for the UFO/UAP phenomenon and many more. There are four types: electro-cloud, electronic cloud, ball lightning, and space electro-ball.
- Electro-cloud: Forms when a concentration of ions and electrons become trapped or localized due to electromagnetic fields, leading to a visible or detectable accumulation of plasma. Can include lenticular clouds, translucent clouds, reflective “metallic orbs”, and transparent electrically charged balls; and can occur around charged spacecraft, in auroras caused by solar wind interacting with Earth’s magnetic field, or in plasma experiments in a lab.
- Electronic-cloud: The core is formed by an object (such as an airplane or ship) being charged with electricity, such as in the case of St. Elmo’s Fire. This creates a luminous plasma by charging the air molecules around it, resulting in a visible glow.
- Ball lightning: A glowing sphere observed during thunderstorms where the inner ball is formed by plasma or incandescent material such as vaporized silicon; the exact mechanism of its formation and composition remain an area of active scientific investigation, but it’s possible that the light comes from a plasma state or chemical reactions involving ionized air and vaporized materials.
- Space-Electroball: Unique, spherical plasma formations and electromagnetic features detected in the solar corona. Documented in the Helios I & II missions.
The British Study
- A British Ministry of Defense study found that plasmas are capable of sudden directional changes and achieving exceptional speeds and then vanishing.
- The study noted that these objects can exhibit aerodynamic characteristics well beyond those of any known aircraft or missile — either manned or unmanned.
- The findings suggest the objects’ advanced maneuverability and acceleration might stem from their nature as buoyant, charged entities within Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere.
The Father of Plasma Physics Says “Yes”
- Nobel Laureate Hannes Alfvén posited that the universe is filled with electromagnetic plasmas that exhibit life-like behaviors.
- These life-like behaviors include forming cellular structures with electric boundaries, and interacting in complex ways.
- The plasmas exhibiting these behaviors are capable of self-organizing and interacting with dust to potentially form structures akin to RNA.
External Forces Drive Plasma Behavior
- Plasma, a mixture of ions, electrons, and dust among other components, behaves dynamically in space, particularly within the thermosphere.
- The thermosphere supports plasma formation through its unique atmospheric conditions, including charged dust and variable temperatures influenced by solar radiation.
- Within the thermosphere, plasma is referred to as “dusty plasma” due to its incorporation of dust particles from various sources.
- This dusty plasma can take on various forms and exhibit complex behaviors, such as rotation, oscillation, and even predator-like interactions, influenced by its charged components and electromagnetic environment.
- These interactions result in fascinating phenomena like glowing, shape-shifting, and movement patterns that mimic biological behaviors.
- There appears to be an intricate duality between plasma’s inherent properties and the external forces acting upon it.
To sum up:
- This new plasma paper presents some interesting ideas. A lot of it is hypothesis, but it’s interesting nonetheless.
- It’s rare to see ideas that many scientific and academic elites would consider fringe actually appear on a research paper, with names attached.
- The “living plasma aliens” concept of UFOs is not new, it has been tossed around since at least the 1970s.
- The “intelligent plasma” hypothesis could explain some UAP sightings but not all.
- Plasma may be a natural terrestrial phenomenon that has existed for thousands, possibly millions of years.
- It’s interesting to see documentation and what appear to be images from Space Shuttle missions.
- Natural and artificial plasma phenomenon may run parallel to each other.
- Interdimensional “beings” may be greatly influenced by electromagnetism.
- We only understand our form of life, in the context of what we know now.
- New plasma research may challenge the conventional understanding of life.
- More exotic possibilities of life could exist, and our brains may be limited in our capabilities to (1) discover and understand them; or (2) test and measure them if such discoveries were ever made.
- Extraterrestrial life (as we understand it) may be different from biological organisms.
- Our understanding of life and non-life distinctions in the universe may be challenged by new research.
- There is still a lot that we don’t know about our own planet, much less the universe as a whole.
- Since our understanding of the universe is limited, it makes sense that there are still going to be natural explanations for mysterious phenomena.
- Humanity could be on a similar path to when we discovered microorganisms.
- We are not as smart or as advanced as we think we are.
- Humans have only been flying for 120 years, and at high altitudes for 90 or so years. There is a lot we haven’t had the chance to study. Another 1,000 years will reveal more.
- Phenomena previously classified as unidentified may be identified as plasma.
- Plasmas in the thermosphere have displayed characteristics similar to multicellular organisms.
- Plasmas could represent a form of pre-life, potentially offering new insights into the origins of life.
- Numerous historical UFO/UAP sightings from WWII pilots to modern NASA missions have been reported and similar observations have been recorded.
- Plasmas exhibit complex interactions influenced by electromagnetic activity, but there is no evidence to suggest they possess any form of advanced technology or biological life as understood traditionally.
- Current observations do not support plasma as carriers of genetic material or as entities with technological capabilities.
- We should run more tests to gather new data and work through the assumptions.
Note: Research papers represent ongoing hypotheses and assumptions, subject to revision and debate; so, it’s crucial to conduct your own research and critical analysis to form a well-informed opinion. More than 10,000 research papers were retracted in 2023 – a new world record. Take from this what you will.
Best plasma physics & theory books for future study: CLICK HERE
[1] Joseph, Rhawn & Impey, Chris & Planchon, Olivier & del Gaudio, Rosanna & Schild, Rudolph & Safa, Mustafa & Sumanarathna, Aravinda & Ansbro, Eamonn & Duvall, David & Bianciardi, Giorgio & Gibson, Carl. (2024). Extraterrestrial Life in Space. Plasmas in the Thermosphere: UAP, Pre-Life, Fourth State of Matter.[2] Paiva, G.S. and Taft, C.A. (2011) Journal of Scientific Exploration, 25, 265-271.
[3] Teodorani, M. (2004) Journal of Scientific Exploration, 18, 217-251.
[4] Paiva, G.S. and Taft, C.A. (2010) Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 72, 1200-1203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2010.07.022