squatober growtober jamin thompson deadlift squat

Squatober Challenge – Week 1

I often hear people debating “When is the best time to workout? Morning, noon, or night?” It’s really not that scientific, just lift bro. Just get it in, be consistent, and the rest will take care of itself. Early birds don’t get bonus points for grinding early, and late nite cats (like myself) also don’t get points for grinding late. …

Busy Man Workouts

There’s a big misconception out there that if you work in an office (aka sit on your ass from 9-5 or later)…you’re lazy and unmotivated if you’re “too tired to train” either before or after work. This assumption is 100% FALSE. Having worked in several corporate environments myself, and sat in tons of super boring, all-day meetings in uncomfortable clothes, …