I created a few free quarantine home workouts for you. They aren’t boring, you won’t need to leave the house to do them, and you can use regular household objects to perform most of the exercises.
Let’s. Friggin. Go.
If you’re like me, you’re probably stuck at the house with no access to a gym.
And you probably also lay awake at night, sweating heavily, pondering the most scientific of questions:
“Am I going to lose all my gains?”
“Can I even lift 225 one time anymore?”
“How can I get jacked and juicy if I’m only lifting air?”
Quarantine life.
It sucks bro.
All of the gym are closed, and unless you have a garage gym or fancy piece of exercise equipment, chances are you’re stuck doing boring pushup-challenges and air squats in your living room for days on end.
Sound familiar?
But don’t worry brochacho, I got you.
I went deep into my subterranean bio-physiological research lab and developed a few new quarantine home workouts for you to try.
Quarantine Home Workout (Variation A)
Recommended Equipment: Battle Axe, Light Skirmish Axe, 1 Tree, 1 Vehicle, 1 Gym Partner
1. Grab your battle axe and chop down one large oak tree.
2. Using your light skirmish axe, split the wood into firewood, and then in a light jog, carry the piles of firewood into your shed.
3. Using your vehicle, push and pull it up and down the street for 50-100 meters (with your workout partner inside to steer). 10 rounds.
Pro Tip: Be sure to use a workout partner that you’re currently quarantined with (a wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend, etc).
4. Using the same workout partner, put your hands on your head and let them take out all of their lockdown frustrations out on you as they uses your abs as a punching bag. 10 rounds of :30 seconds.
5. Go to your safe space and throw furious air punches to get your own frustrations out that you had to go plant a tree and buy a car and find a training partner that isn’t currently a zombie just to get some gainz at the crib. 2 sets of :60 seconds.
Okay, calm down, bro. You’re flailing around like a fish out of water.
Dry those tears and go shadow box with proper form like a respectable adult.

This was my set up from my workout this morning.
Quarantine Home Workout (Variation B)
Recommended Equipment: 2 Dumbbells, 1 Battle Axe, 1 Shovel, 1 Tree
Super Sets & Rep Scheme: If the sequence says “1a, 1b, 1c, 1d” for example, you should perform each exercise back to back without resting.
1a. Dumbbell Shoulder Squat (10 reps)
1b. Kneeling Dumbbell Shoulder Press (10 reps)
1c. Pushups to failure
1d. Chop your tree (2:00 minutes)
*repeat for four total rounds*
2a. Dumbbell Jump Lunge (10 reps each leg)
2b. Dumbbell Snatch (10 reps each arm)
2c. Pushups to failure
2d. Dig your hole in the ground (2:00 minutes)
*repeat for four total rounds*
Pro Tip: Don’t cry because you have to bang out a few snatches, bro. A life without snatch is no life to live.
3. Weighted Shadow Boxing – Using 3 or 5 pound weights: alternating shoulder press, uppercuts, hooks. 3 rounds of 1:00 minute
4. Weighted Jump Rope – Using 3 or 5 pound ankle weights: skipping variations (regular, criss-cross, double jumps, etc). 3 rounds of 1:00 minute
Click Here to download the Zombie Killer Quarantine Home Workout.
Click Here to download the Garage Trainer Quarantine Home Workout.
Click Here to download even more free workouts.
Click Here to learn how to calculate your macros.
Click Here to learn how to create a healthy meal plan.
Click Here to download my free healthy grocery list.
Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed these FREE QUARANTINE HOME WORKOUTS, there are over 100 more FREE WORKOUTS just like these over in the Member’s Area. You can login and get free access here. If you have questions or comments please post them below or on the Training Forum. Thanks for reading, and good luck saving the world, I look forward to hearing all about your success.