jamin thompson workout

Training Tips: How To Survive Cold and Flu Season

We train as hard as we can… We push our bodies to the limits… We eat our veggies and don’t sneak cheat meals… We do all of the right things… …but then winter strikes and some of us end up living every lifter’s worse nightmare: missing days or weeks from the gym and seeing all of your gains wiped out because you got hit …

brovember workout program jamin thompson deadlifts

Brovember Workout Program | Weeks 1 and 2

Last month we got down and dirty and crushed 24 leg days in just 4 weeks. If you missed out on the action from last month and need to catch up – here are the links to swipe the Squatober Workouts from  Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 and Week 4.  For those of you who made it through Squatober and survived, congratulations. …

squatober workout jamin thompson fitness

Squatober Workout Program | Weeks 1-4

SQUATOBER WORKOUT PROGRAM (Full Download) Quite a few of you guys have reached out recently and asked me if I could consolidate all of the Squatober Workouts into one post. Per usual, I always hook you guys up with what you ask for so… Here are the links for all 4 weeks: Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 Update: You can …

leg training jamin thompson front squat squatober

Squatober Challenge Week 4

For those of you who missed out on the action from previous weeks and need to catch up – you can still swipe the workouts from  Week 1,  Week 2, and Week 3 and get started. Well this is it… Squatober has finally reached its peak week. For those of you who are still standing… Still grinding… And still loving the battle… …

squat workouts squatober jamin thompson front squat

Squatober Challenge Week 3

For those of you who missed out on the action from previous weeks and need to catch up – you can still swipe the workouts from  Week 1 and Week 2 and get started. Welcome back to the action. We are now deep into Week 3 so if you are reading this right now it means you’re a true warrior. So …

leg workout jamin thompson prowler push squatober

Squatober Challenge Week 2

Welcome back. Last week we completed 6 squat workouts in one week. For those of you who made it through the first week and completed all of the workouts, congratulations. It wasn’t easy, but you pushed through it. For that, you should be incredibly proud of yourself. On the flip side… For those of you who may have missed out on …

squatober growtober jamin thompson deadlift squat

Squatober Challenge – Week 1

I often hear people debating “When is the best time to workout? Morning, noon, or night?” It’s really not that scientific, just lift bro. Just get it in, be consistent, and the rest will take care of itself. Early birds don’t get bonus points for grinding early, and late nite cats (like myself) also don’t get points for grinding late. …

Jamin Thompson_Leaky Gut

How To Fix Your Annoying Gut Problems

If you’re a regular reader of this blog you’ll know how serious I am about gut health. Part of that emphasis is due to that fact that I have been living with Crohn’s Disease for just around 15 years now… …which has made me have to really step up my gut health knowledge and focus. Crohn’s Disease really sucks…but I think it …